Monday, 31 August 2009


Seresis® – cell protection from the inside, to preserve a radiant skin
Seresis® is an optimal dietary supplement containing antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, selenium yeast and two standardised extracts: LE1005 from tomatoes and VV101 from grape seeds. Seresis® helps maintain a good level of vitamins and antioxidants in the whole body and is thus intended to help preventing or delaying cell damages deriving from free-radical formation. It offers a valid protection from environmental stress, thereby helping to prevent premature ageing and to preserve a radiant skin.

Seresis 60+30 capsules with Exclusive Vanity Pouch
RSP RM 198.00


-n@DziR@H- said...

sy nk tnya...ada dijual di mana ya?farmasi mana boleh sy dapatkn yg berdekatan dgn UKM, bangi?

Anonymous said...

I need 1 here is my whatapp line +2348066034617

Anonymous said...

I need seresis. Please WhatsApp me on +447961064294

Anonymous said...

Nececito urgentemente seresis por favor